Aubrey's 6 Month Stats
Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz - 35 percentile
Length: 26.5 inches - 77 percentile
Head Circ: 16.9 inches - 66 percentile
To compare:
Aubrey's 4 Month Stats
Weight: 13.3 lbs - 40 percentile
Length: 24.5 inches - 60 percentile
Head Circ: 16.5 inches - 75 percentile
Aubrey did a lot better at her appointment this time around. Cameron was able to meet us at the doctors office for her big 6 month appointment. Everything went well and other than a short lived fever 6 hours post shots Aubrey bounced back quickly. We were able to re-confirm that she has a benign condition known as physiological anisocoria. Basically this means that she has unequal pupils (her left is bigger than the right) without a known cause or reason. I noticed this difference when she was about 2 months old. Since the phrase "pupils equal and reactive to light" (PEARL) is the basis of a healthy neurological assessment my nursing brain went into overdrive. In May Aubrey was seen by a specialist and all possible causes were ruled out. She did great during all the tests. She even had those eye drops put in to dialate her pupils for part of the exam. Ends up my little girl has character and will always have a difference in pupil size. Which is just another reason to fall in love with her "baby blues."